People with profound and multiple learning disabilities and the internet
Thursday 20 February 2025 | 1pm to 3.15pm
- We like to share pictures online
- Sharing online can help people to be seen and heard
- People who have PMLD are people first
- They have feelings and experiences
- They find communication difficult
- They may not understand what it means to share information online
- They may not be able to consent to online sharing
So parent-carers may consent for them – is this OK? Can we explain online sharing to people? How can we involve them?
Keynote talk
Professor Máire Messenger Davies from Ulster University
Key issues in sharing online information
Short talks – what we do in our work
- Ben Simmons, Bath Spa University
- Catherine de Haas, parent, doctoral student Southampton University
- Julie Calveley, Director NAC-wellbeing, learning disability nurse
- Gosia Kwiatowska, Director, and Paul Watts, Reader in Media, RIX Centre
- Taylor Anderson, Project Officer, Challenging Behaviour Foundation
- Liz Tilley, Professor of Learning Disability Studies, Open University
- Rachel Barker, Expert Practitioner, Dorothy Goodman School
Easy read resources
Ethics in research and everyday life