Celebrating the Architecture of Pharmacies research project

At the recent UCL East Engagement Award Ceremony on Wednesday 4 December, our project was awarded a high commendation in the category Amplifying Voices: Engaged Event or Exhibition.

Members of the Architecture of Pharmacies co-creation team, purpleSTARS Samantha Walker, Ajay Choksi, and Kate Allen, with Joseph Cook from UCL Citizen Science Academy, were awarded a certificate and medal at the award ceremony at UCL East.

a group of people
UCL East Engagement Award for purpleSTARS

Kate introduced the purpleSTARS sensory pharmacy exhibits for the Counter Culture exhibition and Joseph shared the co-production process of the Architecture of Pharmacies project. Dr Ranjita Dhital, his UCL colleague who worked on the project with us, is currently in Nepal creating an inclusive research project in Katmandu.

Samantha Walker talked about her research video where she discusses her local pharmacy and the artwork she created to make the pharmacy more welcoming.

Ajay Choksi shared an example of a Bag of Well Being that he designed when facilitating a workshop with members of the Bromley by Bow Centre art and gardening group. The bag was exhibited as part of the Counter Culture Exhibition.

man with medal
Ajay with his medal

Focusing on co-creation, there was a wide variety of contributors to the exhibition content, with various panels being designated to different authors, creatives and organisations. The exhibition Counter Culture at the Bromley by Bow Health Centre had a focus on listening rather than presenting a final output.

Architecture of Pharmacies

Counter Culture

UCL East Engagement awards and nominees