Webinar: Impact of Rix Wikis for SEND Provision

Rix Wiki Evaluation 2017 – Early Findings

Free Webinar with live Q&A

Aired: Thursday 7th December 2017,  13:00 – 13:30

Professor Andy Minnion discusses how Camden are  transforming accessible information to complement their Local Offer with Richard Lohan, Accessible Information Officer at the London Borough of Camden.


In this webinar, we discuss the emerging findings from our recent evaluation of the use of Rix Wikis in various UK Local Authorities in recent years.

Our research is highlighting improvements in Communication and Advocacy PLUS Cost Savings and Efficiencies that Local Authorities from our community of practice have realised through the adoption of Multimedia Advocacy and Rix Wikis. This webinar will look at our key findings that include:

  • How Local Authorities are using Rix Wikis to provide Accessible Information, signposting people to services and information to complement and improve the Local Offer.
  • How Rix Wikis have improved Communication between providers and families, meeting SEND Reform aspirations for less adversarial interaction between families and local authorities with reduced disputes and tribunals.
  • How further Efficiencies and Cost Savings are being achieved through improved administration and a reduced need for meetings and paperwork.


Links referred to in the webinar:

Camden’s Rix Wiki information portal:



Rix Wiki’s embedded into the Camden local offer website:
